
Origins Chapter 4: “Saturday Night Live: Behind the Scenes of Season 44” travels to 30 Rock for a trip backstage to uncover how the landmark show is preparing for its latest new season with show creator Lorne Michaels, Michael Che, Colin Jost, Alec Baldwin, Keenan Thompson, Heidi Gardner and many more.

Episode 1

To Trump or not to trump

Since its beginning, Saturday Night Live has tweaked and taunted presidents from both parties and of all shapes and sizes. It’s fair to say, however, that Donald Trump is a more challenging figure for the show than any of the presidents who preceded him. Here, SNL creator Lorne Michaels, actor Alec Baldwin, Update coanchors Michael Che and Colin Jost, and veteran SNL player Kenan Thompson all reflect on the show’s first two years of life with Trump — and what the third year just ahead may bring....

Episode 2

Goodbye Vacation; Hello studio 8h

How did SNL producers, writers, and cast recover after the end of last season, and how did they get themselves ready for Season 44? Cast members Aidy Bryant, Michael Che, Heidi Gardner, Colin Jost, Chris Redd, Kenan Thompson, and Melissa Villasenor – along with Executive Producer Lorne Michaels and show producers Steve Higgins and Lindsay Shookus reveal their summer strategies as they say goodbye to sleep and dig in for the new season ahead. 

Episode 3

A Week in the “LIVE”

What does a typical week look like at SNL? Hear from the producers, writers and cast to see how the show comes together from the first brainstorming sessions in the writer’s room on Monday, to the after party in the wee hours of Sunday Morning. Plus, learn how the show finds new talent and where the cast and crew see themselves and the show headed, in Season 44, and beyond.